
Why A Modern Day Mrs.?

Well, I have thought long and hard (too long and too hard) about what to call this little space of mine.  Who am I and what am I going to write about?   First and foremost in my life right now I am a wife - to quite an amazing man I might add - I may not be the wife I always imagined I would be but that's ok.  I want to write about anything and everything, whatever tickles my fancy you might say.  With that A Modern Day Mrs. was born.  

As an idealistic young girl I always imagined I would be the stereotypical 50's housewife if you will.  You know the type, perfectly pressed dresses, pearls, heels, spotless home, dinner on the table when her husband came home from work with a scotch and slippers in her hand.  Oh how I wanted to be that girl.  But alas I am not that girl and that's just fine.  I work 40+ hours a week at a job I happen to love (we'll get into that another day), I don't have a spotless home (oh how I try though), I have good intentions of making dinner each night but usually only can make it happen 3-4 nights a week (with LOTS of help from my hubs), I would much rather catch up on my DVR shows than iron my husbands shirts, I prefer a glass of vino over a cup of tea, you get the idea.  I'm not June Cleaver and I never will be, I'm ok with that.  

I'm just a wife doing the best she can, isn't that what we're all doing.  To me that's the definition of a modern day Mrs.  I love my husband dearly, I take pride in my home, I enjoy my work, I try not to hold myself to unrealistic standards - though I could work a little harder at that one, I am a Modern Day Mrs.

Thank you for reading!  I look forward to exploring the blog community and all it has to offer!


Who is A Modern Day Mrs?

I am...
a wife
a daughter
a big sister to two wonderful brothers and one amazing sister
a friend
a fur baby momma
a lover of good wine - red, white, bubbly - I'm not picky!
an aspiring cook
a lover of good books
a starbucks junkie
an advocate for children
a bit of a nerd at heart
a true lover of Disney
a bit sentimental
a crier - especially when it comes to goodbyes (in real life or the movies)
a believer in God
particular, many some would call it anal
a perfectionist
an oldest child and fit the description to a tee (read Type A)
a lover of music
looking forward to being a mom one day
so much more!

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I look forward to sharing my thoughts, feelings, and life with you. This will be a place where I document who I am, where I've been and where I am going. Let the journey begin...

Mr. & Mrs. S